Room 3-106, FIT Building
Department of Computer Science and Technology
Tsinghua University
Beijing, China 100084
Phone: (+86) 13911178569 Email: yuchen@tsinghua.edu.cn
Looking for Bright Students & Post doctorate &
Intern & Engineers
If you’re
interested in doing OS related
research&engineer work with me, please read this before you contact
Operating Systems
To investigate the principle,
design, and implementation of operating systems that need high performance,
high availability with reduced overhead for emerging new storage, networking
and computing architecture.
• Operating system performance optimization for multi-core architectures
Flexible OS kernel components cross
hardware privilege interfaces
• Operating system with customized hardwares& languages (RUST, RISC-V)
Operating system vulnerability
Operating system Automatic updating
Associate Professor, Department
of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, 2007 - present
Assistant Professor, Department
of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, 2004-2007
Post-Doctoral, Department
of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, 2000-2003
Visiting Scholar, MIT, 2013.1-2013.7
Ph.D., Computer Science and Technology, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha,
China, 2000
Research and
Implementation on Optimization for Hierarchical Storage Parallel System
Profs.: Fujie Chen, Xuejun Yang
B.E., Computer Science and Technology, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha,
China, 1997
Key Technologies and Applications
of Pervasive Computing Hardware and Software, Second Prize of
National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology, State Department of
China, 2015
Pervasive Computing Key Technologies
and Supporting Platforms, First Prize of Technological Invention, Chinese
Institute of Electronics, 2014
Course of Operating Systems, Excellent Courses of MOOC Alliance for
Computer Education in Chinese Universities, China,
Course of Operating Systems, Excellent Course of Tsinghua, Tsinghua
University, 2018, 2013, 2008
Book of
Embedded System,
Excellent Teaching Materials for Beijing
Higher Education, 2008
environment of operating system course, the
First Prize of Tsinghua University Excellent Teaching Software, 2005
Technical Program Committee Member
of the 27th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Principles,
Local Chair of The 13th
ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing 2011,
Vice Chair of The 7th
IEEE International Conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing, UIC
Mentoring Yanjie Zhen (Ph.D
student), for her project on “Research on Operating System Optimization
Technology for Non-volatile
Memory based System”, September, 2019 – present.
Mentoring Youren Shen (Ph.D student),
for his project on “Research on Hardware-aided System Software Isolation
Technology”, September, 2018 – present.
Mentoring Qixue Xiao (Ph.D student),
for his project on “Research on Optimization Technology for Dynamic Symbol
Execution”, September, 2012 – present.
Mentored Junjie Mao (Ph.D student),
for his dissertation on “Semantic Differential Analysis for Operating System
Kernels based on Structural Representations”, September, 2012, -- October, 2017
Mentored Zhijiao Zhang (Ph.D
student), for his dissertation on “Performance Analysis and Optimization for
Virtual Machine”, September, 2009, -- April, 2014
Mentored Lei Zhang (Ph.D student),
for his dissertation on “Performance Analysis and Optimization for Virtual
Machine”, September, 2009, --
April, 2014
Mentored Yan Cui (Ph.D student), for
his dissertation on “Research on Scalability of Operating Systems on Multicore
Processors”, September, 2007, -- October, 2012
Mentoring Tong Li, (master student),
for his project on “Research on concurrency defects of RT-Linux”, September,
2019 – present.
Mentored Alexis Hé, (master
student), for his dissertation on “Supporting Multiple Operating Systems On
Mobile Devices”, September, 2010 – November 2012
Mentored Naizheng Wang, (master
student), for his dissertation on “System Call Service Pptimization based on
Messaging Passing”, September, 2009 – July 2012
Mentored Zhenhao Pan, (master
student), for his dissertation on “Optimization techniques of I/O
Virtualization”, September, 2009 – July 2012
Principle Lecturer, Operating System (48 units + 16 lab
units) for undergraduate students of computer science and technology in
Tsinghua University. Spring 2005-2019,
Principle Lecturer, Advanced Operating System (32 units)
for graduate students of computer science and technology in Tsinghua
University. Spring 2009-2019,
Principle Lecturer, Principles of Compiler Design (32 units
+ 16 lab units) for undergraduate students of computer science and technology
in Tsinghua University. Summer Semester, Fall 2017~2018.
Principle Lecturer, Computer Science: An Overview (32
units) for undergraduate students of computer science and technology in
Tsinghua University, Fall 2008-2018
Tsinghua University – Tsinghua
Tongfang Cooperation Joint Research Institute on Computer Architecture, Studies
on Optimization and Multi-Win supporting of Android System, 2015-2020, sponsored by Tongfang Cooperation. Co-PI
Operating System Semantic Defect
Analysis based on Fine-Grained Difference Comparison, 2018-2021, sponsored by National Science Foundation of
China. lead PI
Linux kernel security vulnerability
detection, 2018-2020, National Key
Research and Development Program.
sub-task lead PI
Research on operating system
optimization technology of multi-core architecture, 2012-2015, sponsored by National Science Foundation of
China. lead PI
Infrastructure of Pervasive
Computing, 2009-2012, sponsored by
National High-Tech Program (863), lead PI
Linux and Android operating system
security vulnerability detection, 2012-2014, National Key Research and
Development Program, MOST. sub-task lead PI
System Prototypes for Research:
Operating System Labs :
C-based running on x86-32
Rust-based OS step by
step :
RUST-based running on riscv-32
• Operating System Prototypes for Research:
uCore Plus : running on x86/arm/mips/open-risc/riscv
rCore Plus : running
on x86/arm/riscv
• Enhanced Android for Desktop Environment:
OPENTHOS : running on x86-64
Full-System Simulator
SkyEye : in
Ubuntu, Debian, etc. Linux Distributions
Machine Monitor Live
Migration with Pass-through Devices
CompSC : for Xen with Intel 82576/82599 10Gb NICs
1. Youren
Shen, Yu Chen, Kang Chen, Hongliang Tian, Shoumeng Yan, To Isolate, or to
Share? That is a Question for Intel SGX, 9th ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop
on Systems (APSys 2018)
2. Yanjie
Zhen, Wei Zhang, Zhenyang Dai, Junjie Mao and Yu Chen,Is It Possible
to Automatically Port Kernel Modules? , 9th ACM SIGOPS Asia-Pacific Workshop on
Systems (APSys 2018)
3. Qixue Xiao, Yu
Chen,Chenggang Wu,Kang Li,Junjie Mao,Shize Guo,Yuanchun Shi, pbSE:phase-baseSymbolicExecution, The
47th IEEE/IFIPInternational Conference on Dependable Systems and
Networks,2017 (DSN2017)
4. Junjie
Mao, Yu Chen, Qixue Xiao, Yuanchun Shi, RID: Finding Reference Count Bugs with
Inconsistent Path Pair Checking,The
21st ACM International Conference on Architectural Support for
Programming Languages and Operating Systems, 2016.4(ASPLOS 2016)
5. Xiaofeng
Lin., Yu Chen, Xiaodong Li, Junjie Mao,
WeiXue, Yuanchun Shi, Scalable Kernel TCP Design and Implementation for
Short-Lived Connect, The 21st ACM International Conference on
Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems,
2016.4(ASPLOS 2016)
6. Yan
Cui, Yingxin Wang, Yu Chen, Yuanchun Shi, Requester-Based Spin Lock: A Scalable
and Energy Efficient Locking Scheme on Multicore Systems, IEEE Transactions on
Computers,(Volume:64 , Issue: 1), 2015 (TOC)
7. Y
Cui, Y Wang, Y Chen, Y Shi,, LockSim: An Event-Driven Simulator for Modeling
Spin Lock Contention, IEEE
Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems , 2015, Vol. 26, No. 1,
pp.185-195 (TPDS)
8. Zhijiao Zhang, YaShuai
Lu, Yu Chen,Yuanchun Shi, Mitigating Code-Reuse Attacks on CISC Architectures
in a Hardware Approach, the 30th International Conference on Information
Security and Privacy Protection, 2015 Volume:455 Page:431-445 (IFIP 2015)
9. Y
Cui, Y Wang, Y Chen, Y Shi, Mitigating Resource Contention on Multicore Systems
via Scheduling, COMPUTER JOURNAL ,2014 ,57(8) ,pp 1178-1194 (CJ)
10. Y
Cui, Y Chen, YC Shi, Towards scalability collapse behavior on multicores,CONCURRENCY
Page:336-359 (CCPE)
11. ZJ Zhang, L Zhang, Y
Chen, YC Shi, Running Multiple Androids on One ARM Platform, INFORMATION SECURITY
AND PRIVACY, 2014 Series:Lecture Notes in Computer Science Year:2014
Volume:8544 Page:438-445 (ACIPS
12. Yan
Cui, Yingxin Wang, Yu Chen, Yuanchun Shi, lock-contention-aware scheduler: A
scalable and energy-efficient method for addressing scalability collapse on
multicore systems, Journal of ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code
Optimization. 9(4):44, 2013 (TACO)
13. Yaozu
Dong, Yu Chen, Zhenhao Pan, Jinquan Dai, Yunhong Jiang, ReNIC: Architectural
extension to SR-IOV I/O virtualization for efficient replication, Journal of
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization. 8(4):44, 2012 (TACO)
14. Lei
Zhang, Yu Chen, Yaozhu Dong, Lock-visor: an Efficient Transitory Co-scheduling
for SMP Guest, The 41st International Conference on Parallel Processing, 2012
(ICPP 2012)
15. Zhenhao Pan, Yaozu Dong,
Yu Chen, Lei Zhang, Zhijiao Zhang, CompSC: Live Migration with Pass-through
Devices. The 8th ACM International Conference on Virtual
Execution Environments, 2012 (VEE 2012)
16. Cui, Y, Chen, Y, Shi,
YC, Comparing Operating Systems Scalability on Multicore Processors by
Issue:12 Page:2810-2820
17. JJ Mao, Y Chen;YZ Dong,
Built-in Device Simulator for OS Performance Evaluation, 2012 IEEE
18. Yan Cui, Yu Chen, Shi
Yuanchun,Experience on Comparison of
Operating Systems Scalability on the Multi-core Architecture,The IEEE
Cluster Conference 2011 ,(Cluster 2011)
19. Yingxin Wang, Yan Cui,
Pin Tao, Haining Fan, Yu Chen, Yuanchun Shi, Reducing Shared Cache Contention
by Scheduling Order Adjustment on Commodity Multi-Cores, 25nd IEEE
International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium , 2011, (IPDPS
20. Yan Cui, Weiyi Wu,
Yingxin Wang, Xufeng Guo, Yu Chen, Yuanchun Shi, A Discrete Event Simulation
Model for Understanding Kernel Lock Thrashing on Multi-Cores
Architectures, The 16th
International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 2010 (ICPADS
21. Yan Cui, Weiyi Wu,
Yingxin Wang, Xufeng Guo, Yu Chen, Yuanchun Shi, Reinventing Lock Modeling for
Multi-Core Systems, the 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis
and Simulation of Computer and Telecommunication Systems,2010, pp455 - 457
(MASCOTS 2010)
22. S Wang,Y Chen, W Jiang,
P Li,T Dai, Y Cui, Fairness and Interactivity of Three CPU Schedulers in Linux,
SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS, 2009 pp:172-177 (RTCSA 2009)
System Internal and Design Principles,7th/6th/5th”,(Chinese
Book),William Stallings, Translator: Xiangqun Chen, Yu Chen. Publishing House
of Electronics Industry, 2016-2014-2005
system experiment instruction”(Chinese Book),Yu Chen,Yong Xiang , Tsinghua University
Press, 2013
System Principle and Application Development”(Chinese Book), Yu Chen, Chao Han,
China Machine Press, 2008
System Design & Implementation,3rd”(Chinese Book), Andrew S Tanenbaum,
Translator: Yu Chen, Weijun Chen,Publishing House of Electronics
Industry, 2007
“Analysis and
Practice of Open Source Embedded System Software based on SkyEye and ARM”
(Chinese Book), Yu Chen, Ye Yang,
Ming Li, BUAA Press, 2004