Last Modified: Friday, 2011-08-29 — by dongyuan
Yuan Dong
Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science and Technology
Tsinghua University,
Beijing, P. R. China, 100084
Phone: +86-10-6279.4240
Location: Main Building 10#209
Webpage: 中文版
2009-present Associate Professor.
Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, China
2007-2008 Visiting Fellow.
Department of Computer Science, Yale University, USA
2003-2008 Assistant Professor.
Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, China
2001-2003 Post Doctor.
Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, China
Doctor DONG Yuan received his doctoral degree in 2001 from
Tsinghua University.
He gained several years of practical experience
in seismic exploration data processing in the petroleum industry during
his doctorate but his interest in computer software grew in
connection with topics within mechanics and data processing and he went on to
pursue research work in computer science and technology.
His knowledge and experience in engineering mechanics such as
inverse problem theory, numerical methods, optimization algorithms
is contributing to his work on software optimization and improvement,
software development process and hardware/software co-design process
evaluation and improvement.
His general research interests include:
Embedded Operating System, Compiler and Language-Based Safety;
Software Methodology for Hardware/Software Co-design;
Theory and Application of Software Engineering.
Programming Languages Laboratory, Fall 2010, Fall 2009, Fall 2008, Fall 2006.
C++ Programming for Linux, Summer 2010.
Software Engineering, Fall 2010, Fall 2009, Fall 2008, Fall 2006, Fall 2005, Spring 2005.
[2005-present] Member of China Linux standardization Group
[2004-present] Member of the IBM Academic Initiative
DBLP: Yuan Dong (Note: some of the paper are published by Yuan Dong of BUPT).
[1] Shengyuan Wang, Yuan Dong, Ping Yang and Suqin Zhang, Principles of Compiler Construction. Beijing: Posts and Telecom Press, 2010.
[2] Li Zheng, Yuan Dong and Jiangzhou He, C++ Language Program Design (Ed. IV). Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2010.
[3] Li Zheng, Yuan Dong and Ruifeng Zhang, C++ Language Program Design (Ed. III). Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2004.
[4] Li Zheng and Yuan Dong, C++ Language Program Design (Ed. II). Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2001.
[5] Hemei Tang, Yuan Dong, Li Li and Zhirui Cheng, Basis of Linux Operating System. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2001.
[6] Yuan Dong, Yaping Zhu and Yi Ni, Motif/OpenGL Development under Linux System. Beijing: China Machine Press, 2000.
[7] Li Zheng, Yuan Dong and Shixing Fu, C++ Language Program Design (Ed. I). Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 1999.